Tag Archives: Exhibition

Vad Árt Kiállítás 5/Wild Art Exhibition 5
This is the fifth one-night event of its kind, in Alternative Budapest, among the ruin pubs and other such haunts of the inner city and truly open to all, whether or not local or foreign. The only requirement is that each artist, whether or not painter, sculptor, singer, performer, musician or magician, should have a passion for performing and for being wildly creative!
Once again, here is the link
The time will be Thursday March 1st, expected to last beyond midnight, at the Füge Udvar.
Recently I have been attending bazaars at the cellar of the Painter’s Palace, another free and anarchic venue for artists to meet and attend such events as life drawing, collaborating on drawing events and creative writing.
Recently too my work has been chosen among Award-Winner/Award-Winner Finalists in the “Traditional Art” category of the 2017 Soul-Bridge Spiritual&Fantasy Art Contest of Europe. My work can be found among the other finalists via this link.
I also took part in the New York Artbox project event, with my entry with all information about it being shown on the big screen.