Well I think……
That there is a lot to be said sometimes for that old saw, that creating is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. Recently at least, it has seemed to be more about working without feeling hugely inspired at all and allowing the flow to come slowly, without forcing it.
I have been attending life drawing classes and that has sometimes seemed like a drudge at the end of a long, long day.
I have also been working on a new series of paper-based works that did not seem to be coalescing into any new body to be excited about at all. I have been trying to resolve two older pieces in canvas as well as creating new textural pieces on canvas using the techniques I have been working with on my paper-based works, without much sense of these coalescing into any kind of massive new ouevre likewise either.
It was good then, after photographing my works over the weekend, that things have been taking form, and taking form well – at least my newest paper-based works have been. My smaller canvas-based works are beginning to take shape too, but I am looking forward to having more time over the summer to really make a difference to those.
Enjoy these images, if you are following this blog in any way at all – there is more to come!
These three works are created on stiff paper, using differently-textured other kinds of paper, gold and copper acrylic or wax-based paints and metal foil. The intention is that each piece should be deeply layered, each containing memory and imprints of earlier stages of evolution.
Fantastic works, suggestive of heat of change, pressures, the forces of nature and the coldness of ice.
Thanks for dropping by again Colin! – and yes I always went for an organic feel with these.