Szimpla Kert mixed exhibition and other updates

The exhibition at the Ékezet Galéria went very well.

Here is a Facebook link to the photos taken in the course of the evening. And a big thank you to the Ékezet for helping to make it such a pleasant occasion! The exhibition will still be there until the 28th September.

Another place where I have a work on view as part of a mixed exhibition is still on at the Szimpla Kert, a ruin pub in the heart of ‘alternative’ Budapest. This is part of the ongoing programme to open up the world of art to both artists and viewers within the city of the Kazi30 Galéria, now moved to Paulay Ede Utca 56. The anarchic atmosphere and ambience of the Szimpla Kert does seem to be one of the better places to do this.

Until more recently I did not really know any other practising atists within the city, but now I do have the chance to meet artists regularly to do life drawing together. Here is the opening of one of these other members, Egyed László, whose very fine and sensual life drawings were exhibited not so long ago.

Seems there could be quite a lot happening in November, so stay tuned.




2 thoughts on “Szimpla Kert mixed exhibition and other updates

  1. Moira

    Brava ! I’m so pleased to hear you’re getting more exposure, and meeting more of your peers. Artists live not only a meager existence, but spend so much time in isolation with their work. It is surprising we discover anything new to create or are able to afford materials to create at all !

    1. mmLynda Stevens Post author

      Thanks for dropping by Moira. The full new term programme of day-job work is beginning soon so I am trying to get some work ready for the road. I have not been busy this September but alas….have been feeling more than unusually depleted. I have never felt less ready for a new term.


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