Category Archives: artworks

Links to all catalogues and publications that have featured my work from 2022 to the present:

Brouhaha Gallery: online group exhibition 2022. Here is a link to my entry:

Woven Tale Press, February 2023, featuring an article about my work:

Art Vue Foundation Prize, 2022, Special Mention. Here is the catalogue featuring my entry, as well as all of those of the others who took part:

Pocket Star Gallery, group exhibition, Spring 2022. There was both a bricks-and-mortar exhibition shown in Athens Greece as well as an an online one. Two of my works were shown. The catalogue can still be downloaded from here:

Budapest Gozsdu Montmartre

Affter such a long hiatus because of Covid, there were one or two occasions in May on the Wednesday when the Gozsdu Montmartre event reformed. However, there were one or two other difficulties as it seems there weren’t quite enough artists to make it as large a happening as could have been hoped for.

From next Wednesday as we come into July that, hopefully, will change. There should, if all goes well, be new faces as well as old ones, and hopefully more efforts to get the event better known!

I will be bringing some new, miniature works on Canvas – that is , new works less than 20 cm in size. After having worked a new series of deep space imagery using acrylic pours and splattered acrylic at the beginning of the year. Check out my my larger and smaller canvas size sections to see what is happening there.

Meanwhile, I have had two earlier works accepted at a group exhibition at the Pocket Star Gallery in Athens, Greece. The bricks-and-mortar stage, in which two prints of my work were shown, is now over. Soon, there will hopefully be links to the virtual exhibition. Since December, my work is also featured virtually at the Szentendre-based MIdo Galéria, and before the new year there was an auction in Szentendre as well as a group exhibition on Vecsés, a town just outside Budapest.

Recently too, there was a meeting in Szentendre among the old members of the life drawing group headed by Peter Fekete – and the chance to draw again, within this group.

Before that, I had attended some life-drawing sessions at the Budapest-based Kunstfuck residency. There were something of a shock to the system, as the poses there are to be completed in as little as one minute, maximum ten. One or two of these sketches appear on my Life drawing page. There was a very helpful way of delivering feedback at the end of each session – the works were displayed within the groups and likes were delivered with a piece of tape added to each piece liked. Shocks to the system can sometimes be useful in developing different ways of working and techniques, and here it was more to do with what new techniques could be applied to the discipline, rather than striving for accuracy per se. For the time being, I am pleased with the sketches shown here – there were one or two ideas for future techniques that were noted for future reference, however.

Lockdown and long-term projects

I have to say that lockdown in many ways has been an absolute gift! It has allowed me to concentrate almost full-time upon an old art project of mine I was never able to do justice too – until recently.

That was a set of Tarot cards, that is 78 designs for each card, created to express the research and ideas I had for the symbolism for each card. Just before Christmas, I got my hands on a laptop that already had Photoshop, which I had lost many years previously, after the c drive on a rather ancient PC died a death. Gimp became a reasonable alternative to this until they in their wisdom, no longer allowed its users to save in either jpg or PNG.

Then someone from a group on Facebook for Tarot card designers very kindly showed me how to professionalise the borders and labelling on each card. After that I used Photoshop to edit the designs themselves and to improve upon the colours of the original artwork. This took many evenings working into the small hours of the morning. The fruit of all this midnight oil burning can now been seen in my new Tarot section, here.

The first page gives more information about he Pack and the ideas about it, then the link at the bottom on bold will show a page of samples.

Most other art projects have been on hold in the mean time. It did seem a good time to stand back an reevaluate. 2019 was a landmark year in terms of getting into a stronger position rather than being a hostage to fortune and let’s say I always knew it was, well, on the cards, that 2020 would bring some kind of a serious global crisis. But there were some big disappointments too – the best opportunities last year were through a society of life drawing artists, but the world of art in general can still be a very challenging one to negotiate.

However in my ‘large mixed-media pieces‘ section I have added two more recent new pieces.

Quarantine may still be in effect in most countries and I suspect there will be a three steps forward two back for a long time to come yet, but here is my shop at Red Bubble. My work is available as prints, cards, canvas prints and more – and as masks.


The first piece of news is that my work was included in a group exhibition at the Pro Art Ateliers centre gallery at Horánszky Utca 5, at the end of March 2019. The exhibition was a private affair, the second one to be organised by Peter Fekete for our life drawing group, and included the master work of Egyed László, who sadly died not long after he was still able to attend the opening.

I have updated the life drawing designs included here.

Exhibition: Hotel Corinthia this Saturday!

My next solo exhibition will be at the gallery venue of The Corinthia Hotel, Budapest! I am naturally very excited to be having the opportunity to exhibit there. The opening will be this coming Saturday 29 September, at  7;30 PM and Képes János, who has sometimes attended a life drawing group I also have exhibited with,  and will again, has kindly agreed to host it.

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Vad Árt Kiállítás 5/Wild Art Exhibition 5


This is the fifth one-night event of its kind, in Alternative Budapest, among the ruin pubs and other such haunts of the inner city and truly open to all, whether or not local or foreign. The only requirement is that each artist, whether or not painter, sculptor, singer, performer, musician or magician, should have a passion for performing and for being wildly creative!

Once again, here is the link

The time will be Thursday March 1st, expected to last beyond midnight, at the Füge Udvar.

Recently I have been attending bazaars at the cellar of the Painter’s Palace, another free and anarchic venue for artists to meet and attend such events as life drawing, collaborating on drawing events and creative writing.

Recently too my work has been chosen among Award-Winner/Award-Winner Finalists in the “Traditional Art” category of the 2017 Soul-Bridge Spiritual&Fantasy Art Contest of Europe. My work can be found among the other finalists via this link.

I also took part in the New York Artbox project event, with my entry with all information about it being shown on the big screen.


So 2016….

The summer was an enormously creative time, thanks in part to being able to work with artsits in the public, at the Gozsdu Court every Thursday in the city of Budapest (and at home too) via the Ferdinand Gallery.  Alas, that is no longer possible for the time being due to other commitments and anyway it is starting to get colder……

Several small pieces of mine are already on show at the Jancsó Galéria, at a cosy cellar in Kazinszky Utca 3.

Meanwhile, on the 25th November I will be involved in a group exhibition at Ráday Utca Budpest, organised by Péter Fekete, who has been hosting life-drawing classes, with wine and snacks – sometmies more – at the end of each session. On the 4th November I have been invited to show my work through the Mo Mo Csoport, or group, at the Rottenbiller Café, in the 7th district.  The working title will 1The Pearl of Great Price,’ or in Hungarian ‘A Nagy Értékü Gyöngy.’ Once  I have the invites ready, I will be posting more precise information.


So watch this space…..

Open Studio Day and New Works

This coming Saturday, March 19th at 4 00 PM, I will be hosting an Open Studio at my home at Rákosfalva. Nibbles will be provided, some drinks already available, but visitors are asked to bring either a bottle, or nibbles. I will show visitors my latest works, alongside older pieces, and present other smaller pieces in albums. I will give instructions on how to find me as soon as I know that enough people will be able to attend.

Here is an image of the latest work to be shown on My Colour Drawings page:Spring Paisley

This kind of design is very labour-intensive and soon I hope to have enough to create a keep calendar purely of these on my RedBubble website, which can be viewed here.

I have also ben working on a small series of citiscape works, which can be viewed here – some of these, at just 20×20 cm, cannot realy be inclided among my larger works, even though they are on canvas:

Columns in twilight


All work shown here now comes with my unique signature.

Life Drawing and Small Works

Girl, reclining Girl, lyingThe life drawing group, organised by fellow artist Peter Fekete, is getting more lively, though new artists are always welcome to come: here are two new recent pieces of mine. The model was particularly pleased with the one I completed on the right.

Recently I attended an exhibition of EgyedEgyed László, at the Örkény Bookshop gallery on St István Körüt: his work is that of a real master. The exhibition venue was very well attended. Most of the pieces were drawn in subtle shades, though others were created using more pronounced outlines and others still were almost minimalist in places:

egyedworksEarlier on, the host of the life drawing class, Peter Fekete, put on a retrospective show for his late brother, Andrew Fekete, at a private venue, at the  Berekei Art Studio, 17 Andrassy Utca.  The work is described as being lyrically expressionist, borrowing from the themes of alchemy and Jung – the alchemy theme is certainly something that has interested me for the pőurposes of my own work. Here is a photo of Peter with the main organiser and the gallery owner behind him. The venue was beautifully lit and exceedingly fine wine was served fot the occasion. The work was rather mixed: the later works consisted of thick landscape daubs, whilst his earlier pieces, which I preferred, showed great intricacy in design. Peter talked about the work expressing the sense of alienation of growing up as an alien in London. Being a stranger in a strange land really can be fraying on delicate souls but there are plenty of ways in which it is easy enoughto end up feeling alienated to my mind.

Recently, for example, I encountered a small venue in the city that catered for Outsider Artists at the so-called Tárt kapu galéria – the art brut exhibition in this case, belonging to a group of individuals suffering from autism.  artbrutThis of course means that the artists cannot very well speak for themselves, with all the potential for such individuals being marginalised and therefore possibly patronised as a given – all the same, it was good to know the venue exists.

There is in any case still the chance that the life drawing group will be able to have a group exhibition at some point in the near future, depending on how well this can firt in with various commitments and timetables.

Finally here are some new pieces I have also put up here, belonging to my newer series of mixed-media works on paper:

Light and Gold Cave Light on sand and ocean surfaceMany of these have been completed at Gozsdu Court, as part of the Montmartre show, organised by the Ferdinand Gallery.

I am not sure how far that is running into the winter but for the time being, that does appear, still to be ongoing.